The events in Odessa at 06 August 2020

Argyropulo by Sophia

06 August 2020, 18:00
category: tour
from 50 to 200 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

Wide sidewalks and low elegant buildings add charm to the first quarters Sophia, we are going to visit. Before they had built apartment houses and private residences. The estate of the Potocki-Naryshkin that only is (Art Museum), but it's the walk will be not only about her and her we will leave for dessert, we'll visit and tell interesting stories of other houses and their owners. These homes need to consider the details, because attention is worthy of not only external decoration, but also the interior. And Sophia kept a very nice yard in which we, too, will go. So what will we see? ✔ This home at Sophia Russow and Shopping. ✔ This luxury house Grossul-Thick with a Dolphin in the yard. ✔ This is a private mansion Masirewa. ✔ This is a house with well preserved lantern, illuminating the staircase. ✔ This beautiful home Inglesi and Thick. ✔ This art Museum.  Get acquainted with the projects of architects Chernigov, Nasirova, Boffo, vlodek, Skarzhinsky, Torricelli  Ticket 200₴ Children from 7 to 12 years — 50 ₴  Where The corner of Sophia and the Transfiguration, at the monument to Malinovsky  The end The Art Museum in sofiivs'ka, 5  Who For understanding of Odessa, walk to the interesting citizens, tourists, volunteers, tour guides, urbanists, designers, architects, photographers.  Who conducts a walk Dmitry Simatai, co-founder of the historic project "Architecture of Odessa", from 2008 examines the architecture of the city, tells her on walks, stories and articles on A walk made Alexander Levitsky, Valentina Demchenko and Dmitry Simatai. Questions answers Valentina's room: +380 63 163 20 09 Come and see!

The poster of the event — Argyropulo by Sophia in Location