The events in Odessa at 04 August 2020

Delfi cutting threatens Odessa with technogenic and environmental disaster

04 August 2020, 14:00
category: more
place: Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky (St. Trinity, 49/51)

CUTTING DELFI THREATS ODESSA WITH A MAN-GENERAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER A large-scale ecological and man-made disaster can be caused by the thoughtless and irresponsible actions of the leadership of the Ukrainian Seaports Administration (USPA) to remove the oil tanker Delfi from the Odessa seaport water area using the ship cutting method. An open letter warning about this is sent by the ecological public organization "Green Leaf" to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Administration of the Seaports of Ukraine, the State Service of Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine, the Odessa Regional State Administration, the Odessa City Council and other organizations and departments, authorities and local government involved in the problem of removing the sunken ship off the coast of Odessa. Odessa ecologists will present their arguments at a briefing in the library. Grushevsky on August 4 at 14.00. After the briefing, everyone can also sign this letter. We invite journalists, representatives of public organizations and initiatives, as well as members of Ukrainian parties represented in Odessa and the Odessa region. NGO "Green Leaf"

The poster of the event — Delfi cutting threatens Odessa with technogenic and environmental disaster in Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky