The events in Odessa at 06 August 2020

On the right I will attack Svitlana Pidpala

06 August 2020, 11:30
category: charity
place: Location (look in the description)

✳I ask mo to vitrate in one hour with the maximum corista! Pidtrimyte quietly, hto fight for a stable interest and rob good help. If you can’t come to late, then you can even help, if you ask friends for a visit (from fb limit up to 500, ask for 1 person) ✳What for the right? Why is it important? In 2017, there was a new attack on Svitlana Pidpalu, a substitute attack, a systematic law enforcement (huge activity) against suspicious interests. (protistoyannya to forget, flooded green areas and dalyanok zalny koristuvannya, zahist ecology, trees too). It was not known who had been named, but to judge the deprivation of the ymovy attacker for inflicting light on the dark ears. ✳Napadi on pravozakhisnikiv є we will broaden the phenomenon in society, as it will allow us to reduce the activity of specific people to take suspicious interests, as well as to reduce the capacity of the community’s suspension in general. Outside of the attack itself, it has been delayed by the next few steps that will be taken to see how to reduce the efficiency. So please perebuyuyut pіdatkovuyu respect for the special additional advice of the UN for food lawyers and require an effective examination, є on the basis of malignant against all suspension. Info please contact: Primorskiy district court of the city of Odesa (65029, m. Odesa, st.Balkivska, 33) Reference number: No. 522/23857/17 Warehouse for the court: judging Ivanov Charges: Krilov Andriy ViktorovichLast date: 6.08.2020 about 11:30. ✳For admission before arrival, you will need a mask and a passport. It is recommended to come 15 minutes before the ship's ear. On the right, one can hear from the visitor of the ship, the entrance is valid. The skin of a person is important in lateness, the more people come, the more chances there are for fair justice.

The poster of the event — On the right I will attack Svitlana Pidpala in Location