The events in Odessa at 23 August 2020

"On Lanzheron ... on Chernomorskaya Street"

23 August 2020, 10:00
category: exhibition
place: Memorial Museum of K. G. Paustovsky (Black, 6)

Exhibition "On Lanzheron ... on Chernomorskaya Street" (To the Memorial Day of Konstantin Paustovsky) Since July 14, in the Memorial Museum of K.G. Paustovsky, the photo exhibition "On Lanzheron ... on Chernomorskaya Street" is on display. The exhibition is dedicated to the history of Chernomorskaya Street, where Konstantin Paustovsky lived and later described in his works. In his book "The Beginning of an Unknown Age" he writes: "On Lanzheron, on a small and deserted Chernomorskaya street, stretching along a cliff over the sea, there was a private sanatorium for the nervous patients of Dr. Landesman." And in the story “The Time of Great Expectations” we find such a description of Chernomorskaya: “... I fell in love with this small suburban street and was sure that it was the most picturesque in the world. ... She stretched along the edge of a high cliff above the sea. The word "stretched" is hardly suitable here, since the street was not long. It could be completed in a few minutes. Behind all the fences was the sea - magnificent in any weather. At the bottom left, Lanzheron and Karantinnaya harbor were clearly visible, from where the old pier, rolled in by storms, was leaving, bending into the sea. On the right, steep red banks, overgrown with swans and dusty marsh, went to Arcadia and the Fountains ... ... Chernomorskaya Street was a sea outpost of Odessa. All the ships that went to and left the port passed by her. The noise of her gardens spoke of different strengths of the wind. ... Chernomorskaya Street has always been deserted. Its rare inhabitants preferred to stay at home. " In his autobiography "Briefly About Myself" there are the following lines: "... In Odessa I lived in a dilapidated janitor's room on Lanzheron, near the sea, and wrote a lot, but was not published yet."The exhibition features photographs of houses on the odd side of the street, destroyed by a landslide on Lanzheron that began in 1918. Some of the photographs were taken in the 1918-1930s, some after the war. Photos of the odd side of the street were provided by Odessa photographer Sergey Kalmykov. The museum is open from 10:00 to 17:00 (closed on Monday). Odessa, st. Black Sea, 6. We remind you that museum visitors undertake to strictly observe all sanitary and epidemiological rules: mask regime, social distance, hand disinfection.

The poster of the event — "On Lanzheron ... on Chernomorskaya Street" in Memorial Museum of K. G. Paustovsky