The events in Odessa at 02 September 2020

Kino pid dawns / Somiy almanac of Ukrainian short films "UKRAENSKA NOVA HVILIA 2020"

02 September 2020, 20:30
category: movie
place: Address (Shevchenko Park)

Up to 29 regions of Ukraine's Independence GO "Cultprosvit" rozpochinaє project of showing Ukrainian films of the sky "KINO PID ZORYAMI" in Odessa region. The project starts from 23 sickle and will be trivial until 3 spring in Odesa metro station, and then go viral at the cinema tours around Odessa region (if you have a friendly epidemiological situation and allow for mass visits). Sessions distribution: 23 serpnya - "Dodomu", 2019, dir. Nariman Aliyev 24 serpnya - PREM'ЄRA! “Rutenia. Turning to the code of the nation ”, 2020, dir. Antonina Gotfrid 25 serpnya - "Saying Vesillya", 2018, dir. Vlad Dikiy, Vladislav Klimchuk 26 serpnya - "My thoughts are quiet", 2019, dir. Antonio Lukich 27 serpnya - "Posing" Banderas ", 2018, directed by Zaza Buadze 28 serpnya - “DZIDZIO. First Time ”, 2018, dir. Mikhailo Khoma, Taras Dron 29 serpnya - "Podnani" 30 Serpnya - “Vikradena Princess”, 2018, dir. Oleg Malamuzh 31 serpnya - "Gentlemen Volotsyugi", 2018, directed by Oleksandr Berezan 1 Veresnya - "Watchtower Outpost" 2017, dir. Yuriy Kovalov Veresnya 2 - Somiy almanac of Ukrainian short films "UKRAENSKA NOVA KHVILYA 2020" from Dovzhenko Center 3rd spring - “A place where you don’t go for a penny” 2018, dir. Ganka Tretyak The ear of sessions is about 20:30. Location: Shevchenko's park bilya Oleksandrivskoy colony. Entering the show is good, for seeing the recommended view when looking at it. The organizers of the call at the location will be provided with a photo and video zyomka.The project is being implemented for education: Department of culture, nationalities, religion and protection of cultural decline of the ODA, Department of culture and tourism of Odessa city for the sake of, KU “Odessa regional center for assistance to veterans of war”.

The poster of the event — Kino pid dawns / Somiy almanac of Ukrainian short films "UKRAENSKA NOVA HVILIA 2020" in Address