The events in Odessa at 14 September 2020

Classic massage (basic course) - evening group

14 September 2020, 18:00
category: the courses
from 5000 to 5500 UAH
place: Studio of massage arts "Grasa" (Troitskaya str., 39)

Classical massage (basic course) - evening group September 14 18:00 @ 21:00 ODESSA. Basic course for beginner massage therapists "Technique and methods of classical massage" (evening group) (1.5 months on Mon, Wed, Fri, 18.00 - 21.00). The cost of training is 5500 UAH. (with a one-time payment of the entire amount - UAH 5000) Course duration: 1.5 months, 3 times a week for 3 hours (Mon, Wed, Fri): day group (14.00 -17.00), evening group (18.00 - 21.00). Training takes place in small groups (for the convenience of students - 6 - 12 people). Classical massage is a very effective means of preventing and treating many diseases, and also leads to the disappearance of pain, edema, adhesions, acceleration of tissue regeneration processes, preventing their aging. Under the influence of massage, blood circulation improves, muscle tone returns to normal, the state of the nervous system is optimized, all this normalizes the general psychophysical state of a person. Classical massage = the fundamental basis from which the training of a masseur of any direction begins. In the course of this course, the future masseur begins to get to know the body through a range of tactile sensations, begins to learn to listen to his hands and identify problematic moments on the body of his client. With the development of massage skills, the masseur's personality develops in parallel.

The poster of the event — Classic massage (basic course) - evening group in Studio of massage arts "Grasa"