The events in Odessa at 14 September 2020

Avada Kedavra, adulthood! Let's talk about Harry Potter

14 September 2020, 19:00
category: lecture
free donation
place: Green theatre (Shevchenko Park)

Date: September 14, 19:00 Entrance: free donation With the onset of autumn comes a slight feeling of melacholia, an excellent remedy for it - the world of Harry Potter. In their new lecture, the hosts of the Gogol's Mustache podcast will tackle J.K. Rowling's seven-volume saga. How were the novels written? Why didn't they want to publish the first novel? What canons are used to build works? What plot holes did Rowling fail to avoid? Who is cooler: Jesus Christ or Harry Potter? What ethical questions does Rowling raise? What are the novels taken from antiquity?

The poster of the event — Avada Kedavra, adulthood! Let's talk about Harry Potter in Green theatre