The events in Odessa at 25 September 2020

Marathon EcoProektiv

25 September 2020, 18:30
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place: Location (look in the description)

Privit, Ekosvidom! Call Ze! HUB! I ask you for a Friday afternoon, about 18:30, at the EcoProject Marathon! Come and know how to reimagine on promising startups. How can you grow up with speeches ecologic and more functional? Bazhaєsh diznatisya, how are they all this year's work, clean and addicted? Let us see your ideas! As long as you can design a rocket that doesn’t girsh, you can design a rocket, but it’s impossible to design a rocket, but you can do it and present your project! Propagate the idea for what you can: ZeHAB, st. Richelievskaya, 33

The poster of the event — Marathon EcoProektiv in Location