The events in Odessa at 25 September 2020

BURchik in Odessa

25 September 2020, 10:00
category: charity
place: Location (specified when registering)

Privit! ✌️ Do you like robiti, please, can you hang out one hour? Todi BURCHIK format is just for you!  類 Wonder how everything will be seen. Є the whole of the program "I will be Ukraine at once", as it is going all over Ukraine. We will ask for volunteers and at once repairs are carried out in donkeys quietly, who really needs it. The promotion of the promotional program is immediately followed by the most powerful cultural and development program. ‍‍‍ For the rest of the time, we will repair the homeland of Illy and Mili, as they live with two children. I їм tse neatly build ourselves through the singing life of the furnishings. If it’s not in your life, then nothing! 珞 I will ask you to correct the tsikaviy dosvid! You can: ✨ Get to know new people. ✨ Give me good luck. ✨ Tsikavo spend an hour. ✨ Otrimati budivnitstva tips. Abi tobi bulo is comfortable, it’s safe: ⭐️ Kharchuvannya. ⭐️ Role of the program. ⭐️ I am safe from the nasty mood that coronavirus.  If there is a share? Sunday 25-27 2020  De? Odessa, Suvorivskyi district. Memorize the questionnaire that don't get lost - get it done!

The poster of the event — BURchik in Odessa in Location