The events in Odessa at 09 October 2020

Podatkova reform 2020. Business in the era of zmin

09 October 2020, 10:30
category: seminar/training
place: Odessa regional chamber of Commerce (Bazarnaya str., 47)

I would like to ask the representatives in business to take part in the information business development "Podatkova reform 2020. Business in the era of change". On the scene, there will be important meals, and the following:  Block 1. Discussion of current feed supplements: ✅ Anti-offshore legislation and legislation (Law no. 466 and draft amendments to the new, MLI and amendments to bilateral conventions), ✅ INSHI aktualnі podatkovі іnіtsіativi, SSMSC obgovoryuyutsya in parlamentі (іndustrіalnі parks pіlgovі rehearse for IT-іndustrії that іnshih Galuzo Economy for podolannya crisis, pov'yazanoї of vіrusom i quarantine). ✅ Problems of administration of PDV. Assignment by the tributary service to the status of rizikovost and blocking the tilt overlays - ominous from the side of the traffic police and fighting with them  Block 2. Transformation and development of business in the era of change: ✅ People, processes, technologies. Yak transform the company in the minds of the super-liquid; ✅ Yak to manage changes for the operator / general director / owner; ✅ Criteria for transformation of business; ✅ Evidence of resource base, manifestation of possibilities, talent of education. ✅ Launching business transformation projects: go straight to the point of transformation; ✅ Determine the processes, fix the operation of the personnel, de technology do not respond to the vimogs of the clients; ✅ Casey of successful projects - applying solutions in the changing direction of transformation of business.  Also in the program is planned the presentation of the concept of industrial parks by representatives of the company "Evon". Expertise of information business-organization: Dmytro Mikhailenko - Keruyuchiy partner of Crowe ELEF Ukraine;  Vitaliy Smerdov - Advocate of the head of the committee of food workers at the CCI of Ukraine; Tetyana Goncharenko - sp_vzasnovnik, partner of the group of companies "The owners", partner of Crowe Mikhailenko business consulting.  Detailed information about spikers for your request: https: // /.../ 1PsycoYnS3GjsczsjoRNC ... / edit ...  Fate bezkoshtovna, before the front re-structure of obov'yazkov: https: // Miscellaneous: New conference hall Odessa Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Addresses: m. Odesa, st. Bazarna, 47. Cob call: from 10:30 to 14:00 Proofs and consultations for tel .: + 38 (048) 734-10-29; +38 (048) 484-82-26 e-mail:

The poster of the event — Podatkova reform 2020. Business in the era of zmin in Odessa regional chamber of Commerce