The events in Odessa at 10 October 2020

Odessa Foundling

10 October 2020, 19:00
category: play
from 180 to 350 UAH
place: Theatre "House of clowns" (St. Olgievskoy, 23)

Odessa Foundling, truly Odessa, a cheerful and a little sad performance. The play is about the resilient and never ceasing to amaze the inhabitants of modern South Palmyra! Tickets (180-350 UAH) can be purchased: a) in the House of Clowns, phone for information +380 (48) 7236316 b) online: A lonely 70-year-old man, an eccentric Odessa artist, Sir Pinkhus, dreams of grandchildren. He has no children, but for the realization of his dream, for the appearance of a grandson, he naturally needs a son. And preferably an adult son. Friends from the Baby House choose Arkasha for this role, a 50-year-old boob who was freed from the colony and works as a fireman in the baby's house. The will helps Sir Pinkhus to convince Arkasha to accept this role. But the sophisticated mind of the old senile wants to go through all the stages of raising a child: childbirth, motion sickness in a cradle, changing diapers and bathing in a baby bath. And all this a newly-made baby will have to experience on his own skin. Arkasha's nerves can not stand it, he agrees with his friend, the burglar-thief Repan, to open the safe in the house of Sir Pinhus. The days pass and Arkasha grows up. Here he is 4 years old and he learned to speak. Here he is eleven and interest in the opposite sex begins to wake up in him. Now he is already 25 and ready to meet his real bride.By a fateful coincidence, Repany finds himself in the prosecutor's office and frankly confesses about the planned villainy. In a rage, Pinchus is ready to hand Arkasha to justice. And then a miracle happens: Arkasha and Sir Pinkhus's secretary, Miss Efrosinya, miraculously fall in love with each other. The old man's heart softens. He agrees with the prosecutor to hush up the case. But here a new tragedy intervenes in life. Sir Pinkhus' overseas friend, Mr. Labowski, unsuccessfully invests the artist's money on the stock exchange and loses every penny. The old man's heart breaks down and he falls into a coma. Everything could have ended very sadly if it were not for the story from Odessa life. After all, everyone is alive - well. The paintings are for sale! Arkasha acquires a worthy profession! Miss Euphrosyne is in position! A grandson is on the way, which means life goes on! Characters: Sir Pinkhus - People's Artist of Ukraine Boris Barsky Miss Efrosinya - Honored Artist of Ukraine Natalia Buzko; Tatyana Ivanova Arkasha - People's Artist of Ukraine Georgy Deliev; Alexey Agopyan Choreography directed by Pavel Ivlyushkin • The author of the play - Georgy Golubenko • Stage Director - Georgy Deliev • Sound engineer - Yuri Savchenko • Lighting Master: Sergey Zakharov • Artist-props: Alexander Alekseev As you know, anything can happen in Odessa.Even such incredible events that take place in the comedy "Odessa Foundling" can also happen. And in general, if you came to Odessa and never laughed, it means that you were slipped a ticket to another city. The author of the play - the famous Odessa writer and playwright Georgy Golubenko with his works such as "Old Houses", "Shine and Poverty of Moldovan Women", "The Smile of God", etc. has managed to make more than one generation of viewers laugh, both in our country and for its outside. The book of his prose "The Red City" or "New Odessa Stories" immediately became a bestseller among the Russian-speaking population of our, as it turned out, not so big planet. But times are changing, even Odessa humor is changing, which is becoming more subtle and intelligent. It was then that Golubenko wrote his "Foundling", as always it is his grotesque comedy, but now it is also a parable. The parable that a person lives only as long as he is able to love. And in order to fall in love, you just need to look closely at someone around you, and at the same time at yourself. - Well, what's so funny? - you ask. Try it! We assure you: laugh and laugh as long as you look closely.The author was looking for actors for the main roles in this performance for a long time. I was looking for it can be said on different continents and finally realized that there is only one continent on which such talented and extraordinary actors can exist, besides, folk and honored ones. This continent is called Odessa, and the actors are Georgy Deliev, Boris Barsky and Natalya Buzko. An extremely talented troika capable of playing grotesque, buffoonery, and subtle lyrics, and sometimes even keeping silent, even thus delighting the audience. And the main thing is that these actors, gathered together, as happened in "The Knocker", immediately create on the stage an incomparable atmosphere of this new continent, which is usually called one word, or rather two - the spirit of Odessa.

The poster of the event — Odessa Foundling in Theatre "House of clowns"