The events in Odessa at 10 October 2020

Subscription number 5 "Tsі rіznі muzyki granі"

10 October 2020, 14:00
category: concert
place: Literary Museum (Lanzheronovskaya str., 2)

Subscription number 5 "Tsі Rіzni Muzyiki Granі". "Swedish Nightingale" Zhenni Lind and "Bukovynskiy Orpheus" Josef Schmidt. Vikonavtsi - honored artist of Ukraine Diana Gultsova (piano), laureates of international competitions A. Gavrilina (soprano), O. Grishchuk (soprano), V. Melnyk (tenor). Concertmaster - Honored Artist of Ukraine S. Timofeev. The author of this cycle is the Honored Master of Culture of Ukraine, lecturer-musician Hanna Rosen.

The poster of the event — Subscription number 5 "Tsі rіznі muzyki granі" in Literary Museum