The events in Odessa at 10 October 2020

Jan van Eyck the first artist of the Netherlands

10 October 2020, 14:00
category: lecture
from 20 to 55 UAH
place: Museum of Western and Oriental art (Pushkinskaya str., 9)

Jan van Eyck is a famous Dutch painter of the 15th century, who is rightfully considered the founder of Renaissance art in the Netherlands. He was not only an innovative painter, but also a wise politician and a subtle diplomat. The artist is credited with inventing the oil painting technique, but is this really so? In general, a lot of secrets, mysteries and assumptions are associated with this master, starting with the date and place of birth and ending with the interpretation of his paintings.  At a lecture dedicated to the work of the legendary genius, we will get acquainted with his most famous painting masterpieces.  Let's talk about why the controversy around the "Portrait of the Arnolfini Couple" does not subside?  Learn about the difficult fate of the legendary "Ghent Altar" and its mysteries worthy of a detective in the spirit of the novel "The Da Vinci Code".  Let's reveal the secrets and symbols hidden in the artist's paintings.  Lecturer: Head of the Department of Western European Art @ Balanovskaya Tatiana Waiting for you  October 10 ⏳ 14:00  Tickets: 55/30/20 UAH Tickets can be checked at the ticket office of the museum before the start of the lecture Address: #WEartMuseum Pushkinskaya, 9

The poster of the event — Jan van Eyck the first artist of the Netherlands in Museum of Western and Oriental art