The events in Odessa at 17 October 2020

Supervisory group of Victor Bogachenko and Victoria Rogero

17 October 2020, 11:00
category: seminar/training
place: Odessa GestaltHUB (Kanatnaya str., 11)

Dear colleagues, we invite you to take part in the “Therapeutic Kitchen” supervisory project. We invite all therapists who are passionate about the Gestalt approach, both beginners and those who continue to practice. Leading: Victor Bogachenko - psychologist, gestalt therapist, supervisor. Practice since 2004. Victoria Rogero is a psychologist, gestalt therapist, supervisor. Practice since 2002. As we discussed the idea of ​​this project among ourselves, we discovered a common interest and a desire to share and exchange experiences in a safe collegial group space. We are planning a group with a wide range of possibilities: 1) analysis of cases; 2) round tables discussing the theoretical aspects of Gestalt therapy; 3) full-time and part-time forms of supervision in individual and group formats, not excluding experimental forms; 4) awareness of the worldview foundations of Gestalt therapy in relation to the therapist's personal motives and values. The group is designed for 112 hours. Setting 6 two days during the academic year with a frequency of two days in a month and a half. Start: September 19-20, 2020 The group closes after the 2nd two days. Recording and information:

The poster of the event — Supervisory group of Victor Bogachenko and Victoria Rogero in Odessa GestaltHUB