The events in Odessa at 09 October 2020

X Youth Festival of Social Advertising "Іnshy Poglyad"

09 October 2020, 10:00
category: more
place: Location (look in the description)

The 10th youth festival of social advertisements "Inshy Look" will go to the Maydan "Ze! HUB". "Inshy Poglyad" is a youth project, the meta of which is to promote through social advertising about the problems of young people from the positions of young people, as well as to know non-standard ideas from the young people, to get young people up to a great agreement and return to the audit of respect for the problem. Why shy away for someone? ✔Shukayut and discuss ideas, and then turn on them at life "Who will accept" the fate? ✔ School students and young people up to 30 years old Koli? ✔9-11 October 2020 Yes? ✔Odesa, Ze! HUB, st. Rishelєvska, 33, 4 on top More about the festival here: We will not be baiduzhim - light on the bright!

The poster of the event — X Youth Festival of Social Advertising "Іnshy Poglyad" in Location