The events in Odessa at 08 October 2020

Julia Kolovertnyh + jam session

08 October 2020, 21:00
category: party
place: Poncho snack art bar (st. Greek, 26/28)

Hola! Friends, we are sure that there are no people among us who, in one way or another, would not love Reggae, Jazz, Soul or Rhytm & Blues. As there are no those who, in one way or another, have not heard of Yulia Kolovertnykh. Full halls of institutions gather for her performances in winter, and in the summer - the entire site of the Green Theater. We are incredibly happy to welcome her to our Poncho Snack Art Bar, because such a generous and high-quality portion of the genre from our Odessa guys is not always easy to find. A vocal that looks into the very depths of our souls, music, the rhythm of which is so close and pleasant, as if the heartbeat is taken as a basis. After the performance, everyone is invited to the Jam Session to join this rhythm, to become a part of this music! This Thursday we are waiting for you all in our Poncho!

The poster of the event — Julia Kolovertnyh + jam session in Poncho snack art bar