The events in Odessa at 11 October 2020

Nivio, "The Day Before America Discovered"

11 October 2020, 21:00
category: party
place: Poncho snack art bar (st. Greek, 26/28)

Hola, amigos! Exactly 528 years old! That is how much we, the representatives of the Old World, know about the existence of the American continents. Exactly 528 years ago, Christopher Columbus reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas archipelago. This very day - October 12, 1492 - is considered to be the date of the discovery of America. We cannot but pay tribute to such a holiday. Already next Sunday, October 11, we will hold a concert with the symbolic name "The Day Before the Discovery of America." Nivio will perform for everyone, introduce them to the sound of folk instruments and the music of the peoples of America. The native Indian will plunge you into the still pristine world; a world dominated by nature, not man; a world whose culture is not yet under the shadow of a European colonizer. Our corner of South America will be filled with the sounds of nature - impenetrable forests, snowy mountains and endless deserts. In this variety of consonances, one can still hear the carefree life of two whole continents hidden from the whole world.

The poster of the event — Nivio, "The Day Before America Discovered" in Poncho snack art bar