The events in Odessa at 11 October 2020

Training game What if ..? 5+

11 October 2020, 14:00
category: for children
place: Location (look in the description)

 October 11  ⏰ at 14:00  Training game "What to do, if...?!" ☝️1 part Age from 5+ (Children 5-6 years old play with their parents) This is a game in which we analyze various situations, where the participants, with the help of the game and their creative thinking, learn, and with the help of a general discussion, they find solutions how to act in a particular situation and how best to act ..! 類邏Consider situations WHAT TO DO, IF...? ▶ ️ stranger offers to go with him ... ▶ ️ you were swimming in the river and it started to rain with thunder and lightning ... ▶ ️ No one is friends with you ... ▶ ️ your friend is being bullied ... ▶ ️ a stranger is chasing you in the street ... ▶ You're scared ... And much more that can expect us in our daily life ... ⏰ The duration of the game is 2.5 hours with a break for tea and snacks !! Play with parents is recommended) ☝️ Host of games: Maria Osipova - psychologist, psychotherapist, author of the project for teenagers and parents "Who am I and who will I be ?!"  Venue: st. Kanatnaya, 42 office 212. Record and Questions: 093 242 2018 067 993 9355 After the games, if desired, each parent can receive feedback on the process and recommendations ...)

The poster of the event — Training game What if ..? 5+ in Location