The events in Odessa at 15 October 2020

"Successful negotiator" practical MK Igor Sokurenko

15 October 2020, 18:30
category: master class
from 250 to 350 UAH
place: Training center "BST Consulting" (Bolshaya Arnautskaya str., 17)

DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT Only really operating technologies for those who have to regularly defend their interests in negotiations with partners, customers, bosses or officials. More than 3000 managers passed this master class, significantly increasing their results! In a programme: Bargaining as a way to achieve results in negotiations. Resources are the main "currency" of negotiations. How can the same resource have different value and value? Why can one and the same price be perceived by us as fair and unfair? Thesis and Argument as a tool of persuasion in negotiations. Hard and partner persuasion techniques in bidding. Can I win a bid before it even starts? We prepare for negotiations like professionals. Practical master class! You will take part in a negotiation duel with real opponents, you will be able to determine the level of your skills and receive personal feedback from an expert.

The poster of the event — "Successful negotiator" practical MK Igor Sokurenko in Training center "BST Consulting"