The events in Odessa at 10 October 2020

Karl Schwarzschild Birthday Pin Box Micro Fest 2020

10 October 2020, 12:00
category: festival
place: The Museum of modern art (Belinskogo St., 5)

5th Odessa Festival of photography taken at shutter speed for more than one minute. On October 9 in Odessa we meet, scan solarography, hang up recharged cans, talk and have fun at Karl Schwarzschild's birthday party. All are invited! The course of a photochemical reaction is in direct proportion to the total amount of radiation energy absorbed by a light-sensitive substance. This amount is equal to the product of the radiation power by the time of its action - exposure. In this case, an increase in time and an increase in radiation power are interchangeable. The law of reciprocity was discovered in 1855 by chemists Robert Bunsen and Henry Roscoe. But His Majesty The Experiment always puts the last point in any story. And thanks to the observation of Mr. Karl Schwarzschild - WE ARE FREE FROM THE LAW. In 1897-1900 the astronomer K. Schwarzschild discovered an effect in which, at very long exposures, the final density of the photographic material turns out to be lower than it should be by law. This is how the phenomenon of non-reciprocity was discovered. Most of the world's manufacturers of film and photographic materials perform emulsion tests up to 1 minute exposure. A further increase in the exposure time lies in the field of the experiment in connection with the Schwarzschild effect.Solarography is a relatively new trend in contemporary art, which was born at the junction of analog and digital photography, which allows you to see the traces of the Sun's movement across the sky during the day in a photograph. The origin of the method since 1999 is three photographers from Poland and Spain, the essence of which is to use super long shutter speeds, up to six months, for example, from winter to summer solstice, when the declination of the Sun changes from minimum to maximum. On October 9, 10, 11, Pinholiero Banditos pinhole photography enthusiasts return to Odessa for a three-day festival in honor of Karl Schwarzild's birthday. Program: 09.10 15:00 - Presentation of photos of the participants of the pinhole workshop held at the SRZ-2 17:00 - Scanning solarography and tea in honor of K. Schwarzild's birthday. 10.10 12:00 - Recharge and installation of solarographs.  In 1897-1900, astronomer K. Schwarzschild discovered that at very long exposures, the final density of the photographic material turns out to be lower than it should be according to the photographic law of reciprocity. The open phenomenon of non-reciprocity was called the "Schwarzild effect"  Solarography is a unique way to observe the movement of the sun using b / w photographic paper and a pinhole camera. An extremely long exposure is required to obtain an image - from a day to a year.  Free admission At the Muzeon Experimental Center st. Leontovich, 5 The exhibition of photographs of the pinhole workshop at SRZ-2 will last 3 days: October 9-11.

The poster of the event — Karl Schwarzschild Birthday Pin Box Micro Fest 2020 in The Museum of modern art