The events in Odessa at 16 October 2020

Vanya Yakimov. Autumn readings

16 October 2020, 19:00
category: literary evening
350 UAH
place: Hotel "Londonskaya" (Primorsky b-R, 11)

His poems penetrate the very heart, inspiring, soothing and filling from within. Vanya Yakimov is the soul of modern poetry about such a popular and most important thing: about love, about friendship, about kindness, about honesty. His poems do not leave indifferent even the most ardent cynic. ⠀ The most sincere Ukrainian poet Vanya Yakimov. Autumn readings in Odessa at "Art Seasons in Londonskaya" / Londonskaya Hotel, Primorsky Boulevard, 11 on Friday evening, October 16 at 19.00. Vanya Yakimov will read the favorite works of poets of the past and his poems, most warmly received by the public. As an unobtrusive recommendation, we strongly recommend: you need to quit everything - take it and come. ⠀ ☝️IMPORTANT! We are for your safety, therefore, we have taken into account all the rules and recommendations of the Ministry of Health for conducting activities during the quarantine period. ️The number of seats is limited. Tickets

The poster of the event — Vanya Yakimov. Autumn readings in Hotel "Londonskaya"