The events in Odessa at 15 October 2020

Current nutritional support for pediatric aid

15 October 2020, 12:00
category: online
place: Location (look in the description)

Shanovnі lіkari! GO "Odessa Association of pediatricians and neonatologists." Wait an hour for the seminar: 1. Get to know the peculiarities of coronavirus infection, epidemiology, nutrition of infection control, diagnostics and treatment of the most recent new reference jerels. 2. Learn about the basics of rational feeding of children of the first rock life 3. Learn the basic principles of vaccination before the hour of the COVID-19 pandemic, learn about the main types of vaccines presented in Ukraine and in the world, get ready to put together an individual plan for children with a broken calendar. Spikeri: 1. Corresponding member NAMS of Ukraine, professor M.L. Aryaev 2. Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 1 Yu.V. Ten 3. Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics No. 1 V.V. Pavlova For the participation in the seminar of uninterrupted professional development according to the criteria "The procedure for conducting attestation of licenses", as approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 446 dated 22.02.2019. You will get 2 (two) bali. The seminar will be held on a free-of-charge basis, in the name of the basic re-structure. Obov'yazkova in front of the individual re-creation on the site: The connection before the broadcast will be shown for the additional ZOOM system. ZOOM system guide https: // ...The connection code will be received on the day of the webinar on the official site and on Facebook 2 years before the online call. Email addresses: Website Telephones for rejection of additional information: +380679590334 Senkivska Lyudmila Ivanivna +380977765616 Pavlova Viktoria Volodymyrivna I will go, Head of the "Odessa Association of Physicians-Pediatricians and Neonatologists" member - cor. NAMSU prof. M.L. Aryaev

The poster of the event — Current nutritional support for pediatric aid in Location