The events in Odessa at 19 November 2020

Sorochinsky fair

19 November 2020, 19:00
category: play
from 40 to 200 UAH
place: Ukrainian theater (street Pasteur, 15)

Author - M. Gogol      P’єsa M. Staritsky     Stage Director - Merit. mystery of Ukraine Kostyantin Pivovarov     Genre - musical comedy in two dialects      The fairs in Sorochintsy became famous for the talent of Mikoli Gogol. The leather reader of the novel “Sorochinsky Fairs” is porinє in the atmosphere of the holy day.       Vistava of the Odessa Academic Ukrainian Musical and Drama Theater named after V.V. Vasilka took in herself both sainthood, color, all the fun of women, I’m splashing around at the fair ... I re-watch the performance - all of them are noisy, noon, dances, of supramundane suit і taєmnits, - of which Warta Istoria with the red scroll, the yakalah got so crazy people!       “Sorochinskiy Yarmarka” - that’s fun for history with a happy finale, for svatannyam and for fun, for merciful reconciliation Solopiya Cherevika z yogo zhinka Hivreya, so I want to bark, and I’m happy, and all!       On the stage - bagaty dyystvo, de leather fair - Yaskraviy and colorful, more than win - in sight, in public!

The poster of the event — Sorochinsky fair in Ukrainian theater