The events in Odessa at 18 November 2020

Slimming yoga

18 November 2020, 08:00
category: group training
place: Yoga Studio "Anahata" (LM rainbow, 16/1)

Each of us wants to have a slim and fit body 律 . Often, for this, it is necessary to lose extra pounds, which requires a certain amount of physical activity физической. It's not enough to take care of yourself, attend cultural events - the physical component directly affects the mood and perception of oneself☺️. No diet or special pill can keep your body in shape. The best solution is yoga for weight loss 律 ‍♀️. Yoga classes solve not only physical problems, but also psychological ones 易. After all, the main principle that yoga preaches is acceptance of oneself, one's body. When a person acquires inner integrity, a large amount of energy is saved, which is spent daily on the opposition of internal attitudes and subconscious desires. After just a few workouts, you will notice significant changes in the body - tone will appear throughout the body всем, endurance and mobility will increase ‍♀️, and you will always be pursued by a positive mood . This is the most effective way to lose weight quickly and with quality, as well as to maintain the required weight constantly. This sports direction solves a number of such problems:  elimination of excess weight as a result of a sedentary lifestyle;  acceleration of the body's metabolic processes;  solving problems of improper functioning of digestion, peristalsis and prevention of other gastrointestinal diseases;  removal of emotional stress;  finding yourself in this world, feeling and accepting yourself; as a result of solving all the problems, healthy eating habits and a desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle will appear. Trainings are conducted by Nikolay Vysochansky Pre-registration is required! Your #yogastudio_anahata 073-066-23-61 066-680-95-60 #yoga #flyfit #flyyogaodessa #flyacro #flylady #flystretching ## yoga studio #yogaodess #massage #flyyoga #yoga #yogatairova #yogaodessa #odesa #yoga #flyyoga #flyogatairova #yoga classes #tairova #flykids #yogaodessa #flydetiodessa #yogaodessa #yogatairova #detitairova #odesa #yogaodessa

The poster of the event — Slimming yoga in Yoga Studio "Anahata"