The events in Odessa at 12 January 2021

Constellations by B. Hellinger's method

12 January 2021, 18:30
category: more
place: Location (specified when registering)

Systemic-generic constellations in Odessa, every Tuesday 18.30 Hotel Passage, for deputies admission is free. The placement can be ordered online if it is not possible to be present in person. Conducted by: Sergei Petrovich Krutskevich, internationally qualified constellation therapist, trained and supervised by Bert Hellinger, 20 years of practice. Recording and consultation + 380963656993 viber / telegram / messenger Center for psychological support of the family "Ocean of Life" Provides assistance in resolving deep family and intrapersonal conflicts. Specializes in drug-free restoration of health, spiritual development of a person. A separate program of consulting business structures in order to eliminate conflict situations and the successful development of an enterprise, firm, company.

The poster of the event — Constellations by B. Hellinger's method in Location