The events in Odessa at 10 January 2021

Session to the club Ukrainian

10 January 2021, 11:00
category: more
place: Location (specified when registering)

Dobriden, friends! Did you miss us? We were following you, they were checking for our attack on the scene with you, and they were not able to stream further. Also on our creation toastmaster Yuriy Stanchak razpovidatime about the late decline of the prominent Ukrainian. About yaku ukrainian itself will be a mova, see if you will come to visit I will also delight us with my promotions, Pavlo Goncharov, who has long since been impatient to check You will not be late on Saturday, but in the week of 10 June about 11:00. The misconception is obov'yazkovo, perhaps, a little more in our chat in Telegram. Come before us - it's fun with us, tsіkavo, and inіdі th cinnamon!

The poster of the event — Session to the club Ukrainian in Location