The events in Odessa at 04 February 2021

Body Silence Retreat with Ennea Tess Griffith

04 February 2021, 08:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (specified when registering)

We invite you to a unique retreat workshop with Ennea Tess Griffith in Odessa! FEBRUARY 2021 "What we cannot discover in ourselves through the body, we cannot open anywhere in the world ... " "Silence of the Body" - a seminar for those who want to "stay in the heart of the cyclone": to be in a calm and joyful movement towards the goal, whatever the external situation. Learn to observe without clinging; stay still and move without tension; speak so that others can hear. This is a unique and, no doubt, a very valuable experience, the result of which will not only get rid of physical ailments, but also self-development - brilliant personal growth, self-confidence and inner strength. You will also be able to look from a different angle at yourself, the people around you, the events taking place. This is the time to get out of stress, let go of our prejudices, worries and problems, return to ourselves to be present in our body, here and now. This is the time to feel yourself existing in outer and inner silence, to get in touch with the true that is outside and inside us. After the retreat, you will be able to say: "I carry peace within me, I carry strength within me, I carry harmony within me, I carry joy within me." The Silence of the Body retreat will be held in a cozy complex on the seashore! Why? You do not waste time on the road, traffic jams and household chores. You are completely immersed in the process of the seminar, silence and inner peace.You are surrounded by the beauty of nature, which nourishes your higher centers and allows you to be saturated with creative energy. You accumulate the effect of meditations and movements, and do not lose your state in the inevitable conversations with family members, friends, colleagues, fellow travelers. Just imagine: the beauty of winter nature, fresh frosty air, silence and stillness ... The pearl of the retreat will be the practice of Soul Yoga! One day of practicing Soul Samadeva Yoga The combination of a certain position of the body and hands (Mudras) and special music that blocks some parts of the brain leads to an amazing effect of an altered state of consciousness. It is in this state that a person naturally enters into contact with the Higher in himself. Or with parallel realities! Soul Samadeva yoga is for you if you want: Recall past lives; Learn to see your future; Get in touch with inner wisdom; Receive strength to realize your own goals; Be in harmony with the world within yourself and with the world outside; Find an inexhaustible source of health and wellness; And all this without shamanic practices, spiritualistic seances and dubious techniques! * Soul Samadeva Yoga or Yoga positions, based on the Arkana-Mudras (body positions), which are more 6,000 years. Arcana mudras are considered spiritual practices that have existed since prehistoric times, before the birth of religions and great civilizations of Antiquity. The Masters of Samara say that these practices came to us from our ancestors, Atlanteans, who passed them on to the initiates of Samara.For all questions: +38 063 260 34 37, +38 067 907 70 94 * We can't wait to inform you about this unique RETRITE now, but we will be able to inform you about the exact price later, as we approve the venue, for your convenience we are looking for the most comfortable and beautiful complex! ❤️

The poster of the event — Body Silence Retreat with Ennea Tess Griffith in Location