The events in Odessa at 06 February 2021

Supervisory group

06 February 2021, 12:00
category: the courses
1000 UAH
place: Location (look in the description)

I invite you to the supervisory group for practitioners, as well as psychologists and psychotherapists who are starting their practice. The supervisory group is dedicated to professional development and support. The group is aimed at creating a comfortable and developing space for mutual collegial support, finding their own therapeutic style. And also awareness of the processes taking place between the client and the therapist, supported by theoretical knowledge. Frequency: once a month, Saturday Time: 12: 00-17: 00 Location: Odessa, Panteleimonovskaya st. 128 Cost: 1000 UAH Dates: February 6 March, 6 Host: POSNAYA ELENA Accredited gestalt therapist, leader of small therapeutic groups and author's projects. Supervisor of the III stage of MGI Work experience: 9 years Specializations: - Crises and injuries; - Psychosomatics; - Sexology; - Organizational consulting. We invite those who wish! Number of places is limited !!!! Registration is required !! 099 277 95 95 Alina

The poster of the event — Supervisory group in Location