The events in Odessa at 06 February 2021

Mistseve self-production and digital transformation in Ukraine

06 February 2021, 15:00
category: online
place: School of local government (Bazarnaya str., 25)

In the whole rotsi "School of Mitzsevoy samovryadvannya" the first set for the beginning! I will ask you to re-register community activists and representatives of the government for an online course: “Miscellaneous self-production and digital transformation in Ukraine” de vie know: -Yak pobuduvati the digital community, then trimmuvati online servants і without charg? -Yak kontrol'yuvati vikoristovuchi vikoristovuchi suchasnі e-tools? -Yak vіdrіznyati fake vіd truth and beti media literate? -Yak not to be at a fast pace of digitalization? -What is also a smart-site, why would we need digital transformation in what rank? The whole course will give you the necessary information on the nutrition of digital competence, to advise your knowledge of that communal navichki, so that you will be stimulated to your heart - as a huge child of the representative of the power, to awaken the digital Busy people pass online through the Zoom platform. The fate of the navs is bezkoshtovna! You will get familiar with the thematic plan and take it out: Please, apply for the fate, you will be proponed for your wishes: Deadline for submission of applications up to 5 months inclusive. Bazhaєmo you strength and motivation to transform your community! Play "at the desks" of the School of Musical Self-Producing 6 of the Fierce 2020 Rock. Z povagoyu, orgviddil ShMS

The poster of the event — Mistseve self-production and digital transformation in Ukraine in School of local government