The events in Odessa at 06 February 2021

The role of authority in persuasion. Creating the right image of the speaker. Open MK

06 February 2021, 17:00
category: master class
place: Location (look in the description)

Ancient Greek speakers invented most of the modern methods of developing speech and making it more convincing. Later, their research was modified to suit modern reality and served under different sauces, but the essence remained. The persuasion triangle is a fundamental tool that explains the nature of persuasion. It has three peaks - Authority, Emotions and Facts. How can you earn the trust of your audience? How to fill your speech with emotions? How to make an argument strong? We will talk about this at the master class. Everyone will be able to perform on stage with their own persuasive speech! The master class will be conducted by Mikhail Fedorov, actor, director, founder of the Theater of Creatures, teacher of the programs "Acting for Life" and "Orator from scratch". To participate, you need to fill out a simple registration form: February 6 Start at 17:00 Address: st. Panteleimonovskaya, 88/1 (business center, second floor)

The poster of the event — The role of authority in persuasion. Creating the right image of the speaker. Open MK in Location