The events in Odessa at 04 February 2021

True StandUp. Odessa Acceleration

04 February 2021, 21:00
category: humor
free donation
place: True Man Club (Pushkinskaya str., 75)

Any plans for Thursday? We know not.) Come to the next, already traditional, ODESSA ACCELERATIONS! It will be funny!   "Odessa overclocking" is a discussion and ridicule of Odessa and world news, current trends and novelties. The most experienced comedians of the True Stand Up club are on stage. Waiting for you! Entrance: Free donation (any paper note) Reservation of tables by phone: 093 702 11 78, 093 702 11 76 #truestandupclub #standupodessa #standup #trueman

The poster of the event — True StandUp. Odessa Acceleration in True Man Club