The events in Odessa at 04 February 2021

Lecture in the cycle of performances "Odessa for romantics" / Inozem, zakhany in Odessa

04 February 2021, 17:00
category: online
place: Location (look in the description)

I will ask for the first lecture from the cycle of performances “Odessa for romantics”: “Foreigner, zakokhany to Odessa”. Lecturer, Ambassador of Odessa to Poland, author of travel arrangements for Odessa, Poland and Ukraine, Boris Tinka. The lecture will be available from the Odessa National Science Library at 4 4 am from 5 pm, and it will also be available from the direct email on the ZOOM platform (enter for requests below). Zverta Вашmo to your respect, in quarantine, there are only a few of them in the community, as well as for additional visits without protection (masks, social distance). Subject: "A foreigner, zakhany in Odessa": sound from Boris Tinkoy. 4 fierce 2021 05:00 Get back to the Zoom conference https: // ... Conference ID: 961 9236 8377 Access Code: 658426

The poster of the event — Lecture in the cycle of performances "Odessa for romantics" / Inozem, zakhany in Odessa in Location