The events in Odessa at 11 February 2021

Presentation of the publication for the exhibition "TIRS"

11 February 2021, 18:00
category: presentation
free donation
place: The Museum of modern art (Belinskogo St., 5)

On February 11, in honor of the completion of the TIRS project, a presentation of the publication dedicated to the exhibition and to the TIRS itself will take place in the exhibition hall of the Museum of Modern Art in Odessa. "TIRS" is the name of the first museum of contemporary art in Ukraine, which was founded in Odessa, in 1990, during the existence of the USSR. For the first six years of active activity, the museum has collected its own collection and carried out more than thirty projects of Ukrainian and foreign artists. The creation of the museum was a private initiative of two entrepreneurs - Semyon Kalika and Georgy Kotov. The collection of the museum includes works by Igor Gusev, Dmitry and Lucien Dulfanov, Andrey Kazandzhiy, Svetlana Martynchik, Stas Podlipsky, Igor Stepin, Lyudmila Yastreb, and many others who took place by that time, or were just beginning and became famous today, authors. Unfortunately, in the difficult 90s, the initiative of Kalika and Kotov was not appreciated at its true worth. In 1996, TIRS was forced to vacate the rented premises and continue its activities for some time in a qualitatively worse conditions in the form of a small art center. After 30 years, we decided to revive the memory of undeservedly forgotten, significant events in the history of contemporary art in the city and country. Works from the TIRS collection, received by the Odessa Museum of Modern Art for restoration, preservation and inclusion in the exposition, became the basis of the project.Considering the great value of TIRS's contribution to the development of contemporary art, we have prepared a publication dedicated to its activities. This publication is a lively conversation about one of the brightest phenomena in the history of contemporary art in our country, about this amazing time, and about the work of wonderful artists, many of whom were just starting their way. Curators: Kristina Vinogradova and Tatiana-Margarita Xu. The edition will be available for purchase at the presentation. Entrance - free donation Attention! Given the epidemiological situation in the city, the number of participants in the event cannot exceed 30 people, so please register using the link: The event will be held in strict observance of social distance and mask mode.

The poster of the event — Presentation of the publication for the exhibition "TIRS" in The Museum of modern art