The events in Odessa at 19 February 2021

Mikhailo Cherry. Vistavka painting

19 February 2021, 10:30
category: exhibition
place: The Museum of personal collections them. Bleshunov (Polish str., 19)

"Little-known, but unforgotten" - being in the process of summing up the results of the 20th century, there is a revision and rethinking of artistic processes and important phenomena in the artistic life of Odessa. Some of them are well documented and exist in the public mental map of events and names as bright beacons from which the countdown is conducted. Some, for a number of reasons, were left unattended, like a forgotten memory, accessible only to a narrow circle of specialists. But general archiving of recent history is inevitable. The rapid process of collapsing data leaves less and less interconnections and points of contact with this living cultural basis, which has shaped the modern environment, and there is a need to accentuate and update some important authors, without whose contribution it is difficult to form an idea of ​​the overall picture of the processes taking place. Until the chaotic selection of global conversions reworked the outgoing era to a state of fragmentary incoherent knowledge, we decided to devote the start of 2021 to the beginning of a project that will bring names out of the shadows. The names of the authors, whose talent, ideas, charisma had a strong influence on the art community, and in the internal art kitchen invariably remain recognized, authoritative masters, without whom it is impossible to form a complete picture of the picture of the era. The project is created in collaboration with collectors, and will show the audience a deep, complex, non-superficial story, which remains at the moment the knowledge of a narrow circle of specialists. Maria Apryatova, head of exhibitions at the Bleshunov House

The poster of the event — Mikhailo Cherry. Vistavka painting in The Museum of personal collections them. Bleshunov