The events in Odessa at 18 February 2021

Energy Corrective Kinesiology Module 1

18 February 2021, 10:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (specified when registering)

PLEASE WAIT не If you haven't heard about Kinesiology, don't rush to scroll further! I have a couple of facts for you that will definitely interest you Hello! My name is Andrey Samusenko. I am a kinesiologist, clinical psychologist and today I want to tell you about the work that has changed me and my whole life⚡️ ❓Did you know that Kinesiology is one of the most progressive sciences of the XXI century? ❓Know that everyone can master it and after the first weeks of training start to practice, work and earn the first money  Did you know that this is a highly paid job and professional kinesiologists earn on average from $ 3 to $ 10 thousand. PER MONTH? ❓ And that this profession does not limit you, you can make your own schedule, work for yourself, develop, grow as a professional, travel and work in different countries of the world! ✨ Kinesiology is a unique symbiosis of Eastern medicine and the latest achievements of Western medicine in the field of psychology, neurophysiology, biochemistry and other sciences. And it is aimed at HELP in healing the human body, diagnosing and eliminating the problem at the root  Whether it is physical pain or psycho-emotional disturbances in relationships or life in general - IT DOES NOT MATTER! ‍♂️‍♀️ In Odessa, from October 18 to October 21, I hold a BASIC seminar on Energy Corrective Kinesiology No. 1 Seminar duration - 4 days Price: eq. 400 $ + teaching materials The number of places is limited All details by phone (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) +380672476180 Andrey Registration by phone or link: In our seminar you will be able to learn unique techniques that will help you quickly and effectively diagnose and eliminate imbalances and human diseases  You will open the doors to the world of healing and helping people! As popular wisdom says: ❗️ "Teaching is light, and unlearnedX is darkness!" ❗️ I, in turn, invite you to study, develop and improve with me! 

The poster of the event — Energy Corrective Kinesiology Module 1 in Location