The events in Odessa at 18 February 2021

Yak VRU pouring into Ukraine's povsyakdenne life?

18 February 2021, 11:00
category: online
place: Location (look in the description)

"The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted laws, decree that these acts are more in the constitutional warehouse, except for the vipadkiv, transferred to the Constitution," - we should tell us about the Basic Law of Ukraine. But what about it, if the normative legal act of accepting the violation and not promulgating the Constitution of Ukraine? Let's talk to the Active Community Club about such vip hits, and our spokespeople to share their stories of success. Catch a small spoiler: “Rik to this, the suttas of the serpent were disappointed, the leaders of the thousands of motherlands in Ukraine were able to take control over the children. The people who live in VIL were the first to deny the right. The price of the decision of the District Administrative Court of the City of Kiev became possible, as on 28 June 2019 the fate of the illegal and inadvertent clause 3 was changed to the Order of the Ministry of Health on 20.08.2008, the decision of the Ministry of Health was issued on 20.08.2008, the decision of the Ministry of Health was issued on 20.08. I will win the right No. 826/9445/18 against the Ministry of Justice and the lawyer Vitaliy Matvov, who is one of the defenders of the PROJECTOR GO and the certificate of the project “The Cluster of Human Rights”. The process of changing ... " Restratsіya for donations: Posing on the pod at Zoom https: // ... Conference ID: 878 6007 4858 Access code: 200606 Likewise, there will be an online broadcast on the sidelines The community of Odessa is active.

The poster of the event — Yak VRU pouring into Ukraine's povsyakdenne life? in Location