The events in Odessa at 27 February 2021

Art therapy and training "Tin and Signals"

27 February 2021, 10:00
category: seminar/training
place: Location (look in the description)

Tin and signal til. Oh, don't be too humble, I respect the words Є people who are specializing in spying for birds, and who are constantly spying for people, are not spostering, albeit presenters, who learn the behavior of people. To such a pre-eminent person in the early world of tsikavi and lіtnіy pan, who waving the hand of a friend, and a young girl, how to sit with his legs crossed. Vіn vіdе polovе wary of the people, and the "field" yogo - everywhere: tse і bus zupinka, і unіversam, і airport, і kut vulytsі, і obіd titles, і football match. Skryz, de people who seem to be showing themselves, teachings, but spostering behind them, learning more about the brothers for the reason and, the end of the day, about himself. Such disciples in this world are dear to us. An hour from hour to hour, I mean, I’m in a special pose, for a freaky gesture and thought about those that smell mean, but sometimes we come to some kind of visnovka. We can say: "I don’t know what to do, but it’s a fact," or: "Wonderfully it happened last night, right?" chi: "With many people, I feel myself absolutely rozkrіpachenim, stink until tso roztashovuyut." Gleebshe mi is not copaєmo. Mіzh team є seryoznі doslіdzhennya, which is recognized by usi tsі respectfully. Moving signs is an argument in order to ensure that people are quick to get rid of them to the wicked ones, who are spared in the haunted life of signs, not to think about the stench. Send training to the traditional start of art therapy. Easels, canvases, penzliki and farbi are seen to be busy. Koli: 27 fierce, 10:00. De: Veterans Hub Odesa, st. Staroportofrankivska, 26.To participate in the visit, you need to memorize the form for your request: There are representatives of the program for the reintegration of veterans, as the implementation of IREX and GO "VETERANS HUB ODESA" for the submissions of the US Department of State

The poster of the event — Art therapy and training "Tin and Signals" in Location