The events in Odessa at 24 April 2021

Modern art theater in Minsk: "Empire of Beauty"

24 April 2021, 19:00
category: play
from 450 to 1150 UAH
place: "Theatre on Chaynaya" (bol. stage) (Marazlievskaya str., 34a)

Visiting the "Theater on Tea" Modern art theater in Minsk (Belarus) "EMPIRE OF BEAUTY" By John Misto Translation: Olga Varshaver, Tatiana Tulchinskaya Production: Vladimir Ushakov Costume Designer: Natalia Lyakhovets Lighting Designer: Veronika Kislyak Sound engineer: Larisa Galyapina The duration of the performance is 2 hours (with intermission). The genre is a touching comedy. Premiere - January 19, 2020. The modern art theater presents its new ambitious project - the touching comedy Empire of Beauty. The play is based on the world bestseller by Australian playwright John Misto. Today this play is performed in all countries of the world and will be shown for the first time in Belarus on the stage of our theater. “Here opponents are throwing a challenge to each other, exposing the weapon of varnished nails and a grin of bloody lipstick,” - this is how the British press presented this comedy to the public. This is the story of a Polish ghetto cinderella who has made a dizzying career in the beauty industry. The main character is a real historical figure, socialite of the cosmetics business Helena Rubinstein. “There are no ugly women, there are lazy women” - the motto of the founder of the first cosmetic empire, Helena Rubinstein, she became the first woman millionaire in the world to make a fortune on her own. Her dizzying success drove not only men, but also women crazy, and her obsession with her profession forced her to work from morning to night and did not give any chance for a personal life.But what is the price of such success? Should you always neglect your personal life for the sake of work? About all this and a little more in the play "Empire of Beauty". Evelina Sakuro, Vladimir Ushakov, Svetlana Borovskaya, Yulianna Mikhnevich are involved in the play

The poster of the event — Modern art theater in Minsk: "Empire of Beauty" in "Theatre on Chaynaya" (bol. stage)