The events in Odessa at 15 April 2021

Storytelling is the art of telling stories

15 April 2021, 12:00
category: the courses
place: Location (specified when registering)

Storytelling STORITELLING COURSE Storytelling is the art of telling stories! People love stories. Storytelling is used in: • advertising; • marketing, • negotiations; • business; • psychology; • movie; • blogging and many other areas. With the help of stories, you can sell, inspire, convince, interest, fall in love, captivate, motivate and convey any information to the target. Thank you for the art of telling stories - you will begin to think clearly and express clearly, your speech will become more beautiful and better, they will listen to you with pleasure! People don't buy goods and services, people buy relationships, stories and miracles. In the course, you will learn how to create and tell stories, as well as work miracles! The course program includes: 1. Clarity of thought. Listeners should be clear about what you are talking about and for what purpose! The main event of the story and the conclusion just reflect your thought. 2. Freedom and ease of speech Opening the flow of imagination Speech improvisation In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ” 3. Emotionality and expressiveness. A good story affects the listener's subconscious and emotions. It is perceived not logically, but through feelings. This is one of the most important reasons why history has such a powerful impact on a person. 4. Basics of Storytelling Ideal story building techniques How to see history in any event Practice storytelling for listeners 5. A bright hero attracts attention.The more accurate and vivid descriptions, the better! 6. How to get the audience's attention A vivid name for the story Nice details (how to create a bold look with details) 7. "I am stories" and "He are stories" The practice of telling stories about yourself The story we witnessed (reality, movie, book, fairy tale) How direct speech in a story affects our perception Voice over characters Dialogue in history In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ” 8. Acting is a great helper for the storyteller! Acting techniques in storytelling Intonation Body and gestures (non-verbal communication) Freedom of voice and sound Play around interesting moments, saturate the story with different intonations, gestures and metaphors. 9. Sincerity and personal attitude. A person is interested in a person! Talk about your feelings, personal attitude to what is happening, lead the listener along your path of experience. May he live this story with you, as if he himself was a participant in the events! 10. Event and conclusion are the basis of any story The connection between the event and the meaning of the story Creating a story from pictures 11. Practice Author's course by director and screenwriter Yulia Kurbatova  Course duration - 11 lessons Classes are held twice a week.

The poster of the event — Storytelling is the art of telling stories in Location