The events in Odessa at 15 April 2021

Slow Art y Domi Bleshunov. Busy 4

15 April 2021, 14:00
category: online
place: The Museum of personal collections them. Bleshunov (Polish str., 19)

On April 15 (Thu) at 14:00 we will conduct Slow Art on Zoom at the exhibition of collage "Applicative and constructive entertainment" by Sergey Kirichenko. Mediator: Maria Apryatova PREPARE: - sketchbooks - favorite graphic materials - collage paper - glue FREE ACCESS - we invite you to join the Zoom conference: Maria Apriatova invites you to a scheduled conference: Zoom. Theme: Slow Art in Bleshunov's House Time: Apr 15. 2021 02:00 PM Kiev Join a Zoom meeting: https: // ... Conference ID: 739 3535 1216 Access code: JR2jr0 Cover of the event: the spread of the sketchbook by Katerina Kondratyeva, created at Slow Art on April 8

The poster of the event — Slow Art y Domi Bleshunov. Busy 4 in The Museum of personal collections them. Bleshunov