The events in Odessa at 24 April 2021

"Italians in Odessa" by Stanislav Galinovsky

24 April 2021, 14:00
category: tour
300 UAH
place: Location (specified when registering)

On April 24 (Saturday) 2021 at 14.00 there will be a walk "Italians in Odessa" together with an excellent guide Stanislav Galinovsky. During our walk, we will pass through the most striking places associated with the history of not only our Odessa Italians, but also associated with the history of Italy itself and its formation as a unified state. We will talk not only about Italians, but also the Italian-speaking citizens of our city who came to us from the Swiss canton of Ticino. We will start our journey from the masterpiece of the architect Bernadazzi, the Odessa Stock Exchange and go to Polskaya Street, where we will learn about the stay of Giuseppe Garibaldi in Odessa, and the role of our city in the unification of Italy. Then we will go to Deribas, learn about its role in our city and the importance of Italians in the financial life of the city. From there we will walk to the Duma and get acquainted with the history of Italian architects. We learn not only that Pushkinskaya is Italian, but also that Catherine is Genoese, where many glorious Italian families once lived. Walking along Tchaikovsky, we will get acquainted with the musical history of our city, learn about the visit to Odessa by di Capua, the author of the music for O Sole Mio, about the work of the Odessa architect Morandi as a master of scenery, and the rivalry between the Italian and French troupe in the theater. Next, let's look at the work of Italian marblers in Odessa - the entrance to Asvadurov's shop by Menzion, the fountain in the City Garden of Vernett's workshop. On Cathedral Square, we learn about the extinction and assimilation of the Italian community in Odessa.Walking walk in the city center is designed for 1.5-2 hours. During the excursion we will have a tasting of dry white wine and mussels. Where the Italians are there seafood and white wine ... The cost of the excursion is 300 UAH (the price includes: 1 glass of dry white wine + mussels in a creamy sauce). Our route: Philharmonic - Polskaya street - Deribasovskaya street (monument to Deribas) - Pushkinskaya street - Dumskaya square - Tchaikovsky lane - Pale Royal - Ekaterininskaya street (Wagner's house) - Deribasovskaya street - Gorsad During the walk, we comply with all sanitary standards. You can sign up by phone 0504624199

The poster of the event — "Italians in Odessa" by Stanislav Galinovsky in Location