The events in Odessa at 24 April 2021


24 April 2021, 12:00
category: seminar/training
800 UAH
place: Location (specified when registering)

Greetings, dear friend! The hour has come. On April 24, in Odessa, I will be glad to see you at My author's transformational practice "Neuroglina". Breathe out the past, land in the here and now, model the future together! The event will take place in the healing space. We will awaken and trigger the power of creativity to strengthen Spirit and Body. Clay is a great Teacher, a witness to the origin and development of the Earth, and one of the first materials of art. By creating forms in a flowing state, we gain access to different levels of consciousness. This opens up great opportunities for healing, calming the psyche (the most powerful anti-stress!), Identifying and transforming destructive programs through archetypal images. The possibilities of clay are so wide that they do not lose their relevance, as they did millennia ago. In fact, man is clay itself. Working with the form, we create a more perfect form of ourselves. Master Instagramm The number of participants is only 12. 100% seat reservation only on prepayment Thank you for understanding. For registration and for all questions: Telegram, Viber + 380931932081 @LabSoundDesignLSD Duration 3 hours Participation fee 800 UAH See you!

The poster of the event — Neuroglina in Location