The events in Odessa at 24 April 2021

MK "Easter cat"

24 April 2021, 13:00
category: master class
place: Location (look in the description)

I ask you for a creative meister-class, get ready for the Holy Great Day and open the Vlast Easter cat!狀  Rosemir cat: height: 23 cm depth: 11 cm diameter: 24 cm Decor: kvitami  Easter characters  with cloth Chekaєmo on you!珞  De? - French Boulevard, 60/22  Koli? - 24 April from 13:00 ⏳ Triviality of busyness - 1 year ☎️ Registration by phone number: 093 233 41 15 or 735 12 11

The poster of the event — MK "Easter cat" in Location