The events in Odessa at 16 May 2021

My profession is a signor from high society / My profession is a signor from vishchego 14+

16 May 2021, 19:00
category: play
from 100 to 150 UAH
place: TUZ (Grecheskaya St., 48A)

MY PROFESSION IS A SIGNOR FROM A HIGHER SOCIETY 14+ Author: D. Scarnacci, R. Tarabuzzi Genre: Contemporary Italian comedy in two acts Respectable, at first glance, Signor Papagatto turns out to be a kind of Ostap Bender, perhaps not a Turkish citizen from the twenties of the last century, but an Italian of our days. And the truly puzzling intrigue that is twisted around the plot of this world's most popular comedy will surely attract the attention of our fellow countrymen, who have a subtle understanding of humor and are able to adequately appreciate it. ------------------- Leonido Papagatto is respectable, at first glance, the іtalієts of our hour. The main character is a spoken word of human psychology, a master orator. Wine rozvazhaє svitskih panіv "glibokodumnymi" behemoths and secrets to steal expensive alcohol and sandwiches with chervona іkroya. So I see. Ale, unaffected by all the cunning, it is not possible to live on a grand scale. Qia obstavina sponuka yogo to get involved in a great scam ... I here is a talented adventurer who will go to his pastry. Vistava 14+ Russian language. You can link up the history in Odessa! Chekaєmo on you in the Theater of the Young Gladach

The poster of the event — My profession is a signor from high society / My profession is a signor from vishchego 14+ in TUZ