The events in Odessa at 16 May 2021

Opening of the 4th season of the social project "Litera"

16 May 2021, 12:00
category: more
place: Odessa national research library (pastera str, 13)

Odessa National Science Library, I will ask for a report on the 4th season of the social project "Litera" - the reading room of the ONNB. You will be asked for the participation of the community and cultural activities of the place. Along with the decal of the rock "Litera", it was successful for the reception at the quiet courtyard of our library. For a whole hour of summer, the reading room has become an occasional social contact and community dialogue, has expanded the intellectual space of Odessa with a new location. *** Sotsіalny proєkt «Litera» - tse vіdkrity Gromadsky Prostir, Marketplace for spіlkuvannya, yaky nadaє mozhlivіst odesitam that guests Mista oznayomitisya Zi svіzhoyu Presa, skoristatisya Hotel Bukkrossing - vіlnogo knigoobmіnu mіzh vіdvіduvachami, take fate in CREATIVE zustrіchah, rіznomanіtnih prezentatsіyah, Master-Class, osvіtnіh courses too. *** The location in the historical center of the place, the madly, urgency-friendly communication of the inhabitants of Odessa and the guests of the place, the informational outlook of the new categories. More details: Glad to chekaєmo for the show with you!

The poster of the event — Opening of the 4th season of the social project "Litera" in Odessa national research library