The events in Odessa at 16 May 2021

Lectures before the Day of Europe

16 May 2021, 12:00
category: lecture
place: Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky (St. Trinity, 49/51)

The Holy Day of Europe was established in Ukraine by the Decree of the President of Ukraine "About the Day of Europe" dated 19 April 2003. Europe for Ukraine is not just a geographic understanding. Europe is the central idea of ​​Ukraine, the central idea, like a panun in the hearts of Ukrainians, like a common Ukrainian people, which will unite our whole land. For the support of the Odessa central political party "European Solidarity" in the library. Hrushevsky before the Day of Europe to hold lectures: - "European Course of Ukraine". Lecturer Valentina Mikhailivna Kryvtsova - Head of the Department of Global Studies, European Integration and Management of National Security of the Odessa Regional Institute of State Governance NADU under the President of Ukraine, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor. - "Europe and її values". Lecturer Dzhelilova Mur'um Alivna is the head of the bulk of the Crimean Tatar people in the Odessa region. The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was pricked saying: "If you will be addictive, then you will be intelligent." Toz chekamo on all 16 May 2021r. at the bibliotets im. Grushevsky for the address st. Troitska 49/51

The poster of the event — Lectures before the Day of Europe in Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky