The events in Odessa at 17 May 2021

Yoga of numbers (training workshop)

17 May 2021, 18:00
category: online
place: Location (specified when registering)

Hello! I am ripe for training. And I invite you to the course of self-knowledge "Yoga of Numbers" where I will share with you my knowledge and experience about your matrices of potential with which you came and live this life. I'll start my dive with the Pythagoras square. This part will consist of five main lessons and two additional ones. Lesson 1. Calculation of the square. Will, energy and humanity. How these qualities are connected, how is it with you. Session 2. Discussion of home practice. Immersion in the topic: energy and health, what is the difference and how to deal with it. Session 3. Discussion of home practice. Immersion in the topic: grounding and connection with the higher. Session 4. Discussion of home practice. Immersion in the topic: logic, intuition, wisdom and memory. Session 5. Discussion of home practice. Your thinking, what is the power of your thought. Influence and characterization of rows, squares, columns and diagonals. ADDITIONAL Lesson 6. The vector of this life and what the family gave you as an inheritance. Lesson 7. Calculating the compatibility of partners, who is responsible for your partnership, the cycle of years and when there may be crises, how to go through them. You will almost immediately plunge into your matrices, study and analyze yourself, your potential, but what about me? Homework will be working with floor anchors (system placement method) and your matrices. I have been friends with the Pythagorean square since 2011, actively using it in personnel recruitment and in individual consultations. Therefore, the course will be interesting * mom who is interested in where and how to develop their children* people who want to understand their potential * HR managers and recruiters, as an additional tool in the selection of personnel, which significantly reduces time and helps to resolve conflicts in departments, make a choice when there are several candidates and everyone is good. When? start on May 17, 2021 at 18.00 further lesson once a week. Where? will be held online on the Teams platform. (In addition, we will clarify what it is and how to be) What do you get? Training, presentation where the important key characteristics of the values ​​of numbers will be described in detail. At the end of the course, I will also send a book on numerology to the post office, for further immersion. How much is? Option 1. Five lessons + feedback + presentation 90 $ Option 2. Five lessons + Sixth bonus + feedback, presentation + book 140 $ Option 3. Five main lessons + 2 bonus lessons + presentation + book + consulting analysis on one partner matrix with the addition of astrology 280 $ Limited number of seats. To whom it responds, for booking and payment, write to me in the messenger or

The poster of the event — Yoga of numbers (training workshop) in Location