The events in Odessa at 14 June 2021

Chekanov Dmitro Yuriyovich - child surgeon / Nice food to the child surgeon

14 June 2021, 21:00
category: lecture
free donation
place: Green theatre (Shevchenko Park)

Input: free donation Nice food before a child surgeon Until the Day of the Victory of Children, the Zeleniy Theater and the Medicny House Odrex is preparing a lecture for the fathers "Naytsikavishy nourishment to a childish surgeon." Lecture notes: • Prophylactic look at the child's surgeon: if that to whom? • How morally to educate the daddy before the planned operation, how to educate the child? • "Babusini please" by looking after the child, until you heard it (and it’s awesome!) • Malyuk prokovtnuvshayu loyve: yakі dії batkіv? • Fimosis among boys and girls, who can be completely natural in the first time of life. • Appendicitis in babies - is the raptus scary? Ready to go. • Q&A At the lectures on the skin, you can put food about those "who are healthy" and "who are healthy" are absolutely healthy children - small, great, maybut. Read lectures Chekanov Dmitro Yuriyovich - child surgeon, child urologist of the highest category, member of ESPU (European Association of Child Urology) and ESPES (European Association of Children's Urology) Doctor Chekanov is a visitor to the whole range of operative involvement in child surgery and urology for children from many days up to 18 years, including minimally invasive ones.

The poster of the event — Chekanov Dmitro Yuriyovich - child surgeon / Nice food to the child surgeon in Green theatre