The events in Odessa at 09 June 2021

The project “Sound beautiful, my dear mother!” Topic: “Mova rum'yanogo Lita”

09 June 2021, 13:00
category: online
place: Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky (St. Trinity, 49/51)

#garna_ukraїnska Shanovny bibliotekars of Odeshchyna! At the middle, 9 worms, about 13.00 get on to the eighteenth online entertainment "Sounds great, my dear mother!" Topic: "Mova Rum'yanogo Lita" You can hear the charming sounds, voices, melodies of Lita-Lithechka, inspired by the creatures of prominent singers and prose, the most intimate barvians from the divovizhni pictures of Litnaya Pori. Hai Lito will sense our world about all that you bring! Join to Zoom conference: https: // ... Conference ID: 721 4641 7436 Access code: YHGXf2

The poster of the event — The project “Sound beautiful, my dear mother!” Topic: “Mova rum'yanogo Lita” in Odessa regional scientific library. M. Hrushevsky