The events in Odessa at 20 June 2021

Show of Malunks "Zeleny Svyata"

20 June 2021, 14:00
category: exhibition
place: Location (look in the description)

#Green_svyata. Artistic project. Vistavka of young artists-pochatkivtsiv, actors in the gurt of the "Special Theater Lyalok". Meta given to the artistic project: self-expression of special young people through babies. Blessing that all the time, bringing young people to success in their work, Archpriest Theodor Orobets, Secretary of the Odessa Eparchy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Vikladach, Keruyucha project: Oksana Dolgikh De? Temple of the Rizdva of Christ UOC-KP, vul. Pasteur, 5

The poster of the event — Show of Malunks "Zeleny Svyata" in Location